Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

We took the kiddos to the pumpkin patch last weekend & of course they had a blast. Here are some pictures from our time there.

Can my son ever look at the camera?

He was so excited to shake the monkey's hand ;)

Ry and daddy

I LOVE these kids!

The patch

It was such a beautiful day

Until next year.........

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Diaz Wedding

So, i am finally getting around to posting again. We have been very busy the last few weeks and I am excited to share it with you all.

Last weekend we attended my cousin Candace's wedding. It was absolutely beautiful, from the location, to the dress (it was sooo her), to the Mariachi Band. I think my absolute favorite part was the photo booth! Instead of the traditional wedding book to sign they had a photo booth to take pictures. Two copies were printed out and you put one copy in their wedding book with a little note to the couple and you kept the second copy!  We had so much fun!
 Congratulations Candace and Dominick, we are so blessed to have spent your special day with you.

Here are the pictures! (just warning you, there are a lot)

Louie & I before the ceremony. (I'm really not THAT hippy, it's the dress ;P)

My dad & mom

Faith, doesn't she look like an angel?

The Beautiful Bride

The first look....

The vows

The unity candle

Wedding Prayer

First kiss as husband and wife

My little sis and I

Mr. & Mrs. Diaz ( Louie & Dominick are not related)

She looked so beautiful!

The happy couple

Louie & I

Me the beautiful bride


First dance

Cake cutting

My favorite picture ;)


One of the photo booth pics. I have more but my scanner is acting up...

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'm Back....

I know it's been a while since I've blogged and i wish I could say that's it is because we have been vacationing on a tropical island somewhere.... but I can't.
In reality I've just taken way to long to upload pics to my computer.

A couple of Saturday's ago Lexie & I along with my sister & niece participated in a Breast Cancer Walk in downtown Redlands. It was awesome! This was the first time we have done this and it was so amazing to see all of the survivors participating. Here are a few pictures from the walk....

Susan, Taylor, Lexie & I

The "Save the Tatas" car

At the start line.

And we're off!

So many people participated. It was awesome!

Yup. That's a band. In the front yard. Loved it!

The finish line.